
Work on and with the unconscious


My name is Shanna Carlson de la Torre and I offer Lacanian psychoanalysis as a candidate in training. 

I will tune in to what's causing suffering in your life, working alongside you to unbind the signifiers that have stymied your expression of unconscious desire.


Free Association

The one rule of psychoanalysis is free association: saying anything and everything that comes to mind.


With the aid of your dreams, we will enter into the heart of what is not working in your life, exploring, among other things, what it is you want, and what is out of control--not in order to "cure" or get rid of it, but to free what's acting in it.

Speaking in Session

We will work with your speech, listening for the logics at the heart of your suffering, and we will witness the solutions you create and the changes you make in accompaniment with your discoveries. 

Listening and Creating

I have an academic background in literature, critical theory, and gender and sexuality studies. My experience teaching courses in French and world literature and queer, feminist, and transgender theory also informs the ways in which I listen and support what is creative--and what is writing and written--in the analysands with whom I work.

Interested in a free initial consultation?

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